The Simplicity of Everything
A concise introduction to cosmology and the theory behind it.
The famous astronomer Carl Sagan once said, "The cosmos is all there is and all that will ever be". Indeed, we live on a tiny speck in our cosmos but there is so much more, unimaginably more, mysterious things out there that we are only now beginning to explore. Here, you'll find interesting stories from all over the cosmos, as viewed from Earth.
A concise introduction to cosmology and the theory behind it.
Can the concept of infinity be properly understood, discussed and compared? This question may sound purely philosophical, but it isn’t in fact. Here I discuss infinity a little.
The aim is to test the idea that we can push an asteroid away by bumping into it, in preparation for defence against any future asteroid hazards.
The asteroid, named 2021 PH27 takes just 113 Earth days to complete its orbit around the sun making it the fastest-orbiting asteroid in our solar system.
Europa is the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter and is a prime candidate for extra-terrestrial life.